将brush lettering——近似地说,一种西方的文化产物——与中国化的媒介结合,并激发来自不同背景的人们的感动与情绪,是一种有趣的尝试。我知道中国风的意蕴比简单的配色和义乌制造的流苏深刻得多——这会成为新的探索方向。
When I travelled abroad in summer, I thought that I would meet many foreign friends, so I brought a set of the simplest but 'Chinese-style' (at least in a labelled matter) bookmarks.
When summer ended, I wrote, on the gold-sprinkled paper, some genuine blessings. (and some cute messages on the back!)
Combining brush lettering--a design, a cultural product unargurably from the West--with simply a Chinese-style medium, meanwhile provoking sentiments and happiness from people from diverse backgrounds, was an interesting attempt. I am fully aware that Chinese culture and aesthetics mean much more than these roughtly-made cards--which already gives me a new direction to explore, as Chinese culture is way more profound.
By @NiniZiyan