投稿说明 / Sharing

  1. 邮件:zunii@foxmail.com
  2. 微信:ZiyanZhu0509
  3. 小红书:@Niniziyan




  1. 灵感:作品分享,包含署名(一定会有!请放心)与作品介绍(可选)
  2. 资讯包括但不限于店铺/书法课程/工作坊/书法师招募信息/其他各类社群活动的信息
  3. 社群个人媒体账号推广与介绍
  4. 资源各类古本/字体手册/艺术家信息的分享,以合集+专题的形式。可以联系到我进行相关的介绍分享,也可以直接简要地分享资源,或是登入后在相应分区的推文下进行评论分享,我也会加入合集中。
  5. 封面图投稿用作网站首页四个分区的封面。期待漂亮的竖版作品!




Get In Touch
  1. Email:zunii@foxmail.com
  2. Instagram:@niniziyan
  3. Youtube:@niniziyan

Then we'll discuss and decide how to best present your ideas❤️

Which kind?

There are five kinds of areas that you can share stuff with:

  1. InspirationShare your calligraphy artworks and include your credits! You can also share your inspirations and ideas behind your works.
  2. Info: Information updates from your workshops, online shops, new courses, or other cool activities. Be sure to include your contact information and important details.
  3. Community'Advertise' yourself! Share your social media accounts, calligraphy journey, styles, expertise, and more!
  4. Resources:Share all kinds of handbooks, samples and ancient works. You can write something on a specific piece and let me know, or simply sign in and make comments under different sections, I'll add these in the collections.
  5. Cover PageUsed for the sections' covers. Every cool pic will be kept for a month here. Pictures with a more vertical layout may be better. I'm super excited about this one!
CalligraphyHub's Principles

CalligraphyHub strongly supports original works and inspirational communications. Thus, I'll make every credit clear for every post. Meanwhile, please indicate all your references, no matter it's works from other artists or background facts obtained somewhere else.

Annnnd, please help support the harmonious vibe here!

Thanks again for supporting CalligraphyHub!

Ziyan Zhu

Ziyan Zhu

Please just call me Nini! Stay in touch with me thru zunii@foxmail.com or @Niniziyan on all social media platforms!